12 months Content Marketing Strategy for Startups

12 months Content Marketing Strategy for Startups

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Whoa, your business is all set to move its wheels with digital marketing, and you have loads of things in your mind to use Content marketing Strategy for web traffic. But you are not so sure how to generate traffic from an efficient content marketing strategy.

This blog post will serve as your guide to help you build a year-long content marketing strategy for your business.

January- Curate customer-centric content

The first month of the year needs you to draw full-fledged attention from your niche audience base. Hence, it would help if you stay focused on customer-centric content. Your customers need to understand what your business is all about and how it can benefit them further.

To build content around it, you need to jot down their challenges and then write down the content plan to give a solution.

February- Streamline content with FREE tools

Agree; with Content marketing tools that are free, there is a limitation, but you don’t need to lose your heart because for a startup to plan a content strategy, initiating the plan with free available tools is the best option.

You can try your hands at:

  • Google Docs
  • Ubersuggest Keyword Planner
  • Google Analytics
  • Grammarly
  • Social media platforms

March- Study your competitors

It will help if you work on studying competitors and finding out what they are posting in and around. You need to get a 360-degree view of your competitors and reach the targeted customers with High-quality content.

After researching, note down the points you want to get influenced with and move further.

April- Time to work on CALENDAR

Once you are all set to proceed, the next step you need to take care of is building a content calendar. In this calendar, you need to mention the type of content you aim to publish on which platforms.

You can bifurcate the content based on the campaign, seasonal post, awareness, SEO content, and many other options to plan.

May- Get a case study built

It’s human psychology; we trust something that speaks of numbers, and to help your customers know what you have done best in the past, nothing fits the bill than a case study.

It is a beautiful blend of graphics and written content that speaks volumes about your business. You can pick your services one by one or show in one go, but nothing should look cluttered but fluid.

June- Time to CHECK

June is the midpoint of the year, where you need to find out what is working best and what is not for your business. Therefore, you need to check your website performance through Google analytics.

Remember, a perfect content marketing strategy never exists, so you need to work trial and error to find out what works best for your business.

July- Gear up and adjust

After investing your efforts for good six months and analyzing where you are placing your best foot forward and where you still need to evolve, this is the time to gear up and adjust your strategy,

August- Brainstorm from scratch

A successful content marketing strategy can only come into existence when you decide to unlearn to learn more. You don’t have to trust or rely on what is working for others; maybe working for others may or may not work for your business.

Thus you need to invest your efforts in finding out the best possible reasons to build a strong content strategy.

September- Build Long-Form content

Today’s readers are very much willing to read, which brings them value and information, making Google also follow the same strategy. For valuable content that gets you ROI, the best way is to write content that is long, informative, and exciting at the same time.

You can make long-form content like a white paper, a webinar, or a longer, more detailed video.

October- Reach out to influencers

Every industry has certain stalwarts, and on the digital platform, these are known as influencers who can help your content to reach a niche audience base. You need to find out the influencers in your industry domain and find out how they can be contacted to bring fame to your content.

It can share a guest post on their platform, sharing a testimonial, or assign on social media; the ways are many; you only need to figure out the best suitable measure to reach your targeted user-base via efficient influencer marketing.

November- Review your Reviews

Now you have been running the bandwagon of content marketing for good ten months; now it is the time to turn to reviews and help them turn into your favor. You must know thoughts can be negative or positive, but you need to have the spine to work on the negative comments and work on the criticism.

They can be an excellent teacher to your business, and you need to find out what made them come up with such destructive reviews. Here you need to bounce off the ‘trolls’ who are just sitting to pull your confidence down.

So filter the constructive feedback that aims to improve your services through comments and reviews.

December- Set up for the New Year

Every year comes with its own set of challenges and opportunities for your business; you need to figure out what works best for you and set the new year content marketing strategy.

You can include something from last year but include something fresh and innovative that can pull your customers ’attention in no time.

Final thoughts

Getting an achievable and measurable result from your content marketing plan is better said than done, as it requires planning, expertise, and experience.

With a team of expert marketers, you can build a consistent and targeted content strategy that can help your startup to elevate and get placed in the market as a niche leader.

We at cuneiform, a leading Content marketing agency, can help your startup build a scalable and successful content marketing strategy to grow out of bounds.

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