3 Content Marketing Strategies To Support SEO Success.

3 Content Marketing Strategies To Support SEO Success

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Putting your efforts into SEO can take your content a long way. Creating content for social media, paid search promotion, email marketing, sales, business development, etc. are some of the efforts of SEO. They also create content that is set to drive up the organic traffic to their respective website. SEO definitely goes beyond ranking on the first page of Google. The whole concept of SEO is perfecting the craft of quality content that the target audience loves and recognizes immediately.  Keep in mind that overusing certain keywords or overemphasizing them takes your audience away from your content. Moreover, the whole idea of using good constructive keywords is to find the content authoritative among your audience. Now, this is the job of any good SEO content marketing service. Around 78% of content creators have found success in content marketing with the help of a good content marketing strategy.  For succeeding in any organic search education is really important. Making sure you understand where you stand before proceeding further is a must.  SEO content marketing has definitely made a considerable impact on their goals that many companies still overlook. The ultimate reason is that investing in an organic search campaign can take up to six months or sometimes even two years to really see the results. Since everyone is in a hurry marketers just use paid search tactics that takes much lesser time. This is not a bad investment at all but keep in mind that the loss of focus on organic search can affect your growth over time. Here are 3 important content marketing strategies that support and contribute to SEO success.  

Recognize The Purpose 

Every search a user makes has a purpose and an intent. It is highly crucial to understand that intent. Writing with intent enables you to increase the number of website visitors you gain through organic search. 

Image Source: robertkatai.com 

 To identify them the user intent is classified into four parts. They are: 

  • Searching for a piece of specific information or an answer to a question is called informational intent. 
  • Looking up a specific website called navigational intent. 
  • Reviewing or researching a certain set of products or services called the commercial intent 
  • Looking up items to purchase is called the transactional intent 

Now how do you identify a user’s intent?. To do so you must first perform an analysis of keywords. The ultimate goal is understanding what the user wants to receive from their search and making sure you have content based on it. A thorough analysis of the keywords is required as the user intent is much more than just quantity. It requires complete research of the types of content those words and phrases bring up in the search results and getting a sense of what audiences want from these searches. Look at quantitative and qualitative data, from age and gender to purchase behavior and web page engagement. All of these can help paint a picture of whom you should be writing for. Also, find out about the kind of people engaging with your competitors. Look at their social media accounts, blog comments, and customer reviews. This will also help you gain knowledge about your audience.  

Quality Not Quantity 

Image source: www.citeninja.com 

Reaching the top place in the search is not the hard part. Staying there is. This is an important content marketing strategy. 55% of the content marketing strategies have been said to work solely because of the quality of the content.  Time spent on a page, number of page views, etc can give more context about the user behavior to the marketers. This show how involved a reader is with your content while also letting you know what you need to rework or remove completely. This is why you should be quality based. The more you focus on the quality the higher you are going to be in the Google ranking system. This ranking can be protected with good quality content. Focusing on the quantity of the content and simply pushing out content that is not good enough is going to affect your sales drastically. Put more time and energy into content that is already published and focus on perfecting that. This means making the most important on-page elements as well-written and user-centric as possible. Some important tips include: 

  • Make sure your title has the targeted keyword. Portray them in such a way similar o the competitors who are doing well in the search engine.  
  • Heading tags define your page’s body text. Therefore make it specific to the information.   
  • Include informative, descriptive, and keyword-rich anchor text to allow the users to find similar topics on your site.  

Researching keywords and adding them to your content is not enough. Only 66% of the content creators are said to measure the content’s performance. Therefore once your content is ready make sure you continuously analyze the content’s quality and performance. This helps you to understand your content’s reach and also helps your work towards your goal. To review page views, time per page view, bounce rate, and the number of visits from an organic search that is target audience friendly use Google Analytics or HubSpot. If you find out that your older content or article has more views and is being searched more then you can definitely update it by including more recent information and examples. By doing so you make sure that the article still stays on the top.  As SEO has evolved, it has changed to incorporate factors other than keyword density (that is, the number of times you used the keyword you want to rank for). So by creating substantial content that the audience really appreciates, you have a higher chance of taking the top spot than someone who tries to get their keyword usage perfect. 

Expertise, Authoritativeness, And Trustworthiness 

Image source: www.wordstream.com 

Building E-A-T is a very important part of SEO content marketing service. It only works if you support the areas and the things you are saying. When you optimize your content at every turn, you increase the chances of higher search rankings, more visibility, and increased traffic. Using external linking is one way to make it happen. It tells the audience that what you are saying has proof and is validated by other sources. Quality external links are important for the trustworthiness of your content. When done right, external linking can even boost your ranking on the SERP. Also, keep in mind that overwhelming your reader by adding too many external links might become a losing point. Using it too many times as merely a part of your SEO content marketing strategy will make you lose your audience. 16% even like seeing case studies in the article they are reading. Experts even say adding additional information with footnotes is also a good strategy. Footnotes are nothing but an additional piece of information that you’ll see at the bottom of the page. It is usually used to add citations, provide sources and even add clarity to your content. It is said that footnotes are a great way to build expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness. 23% of the readers only come to a certain website or page because of their loyalty. It is also said that Google loves these kinds of addition to content.  

Image source: www.jeffbullas.com


A content marketing strategy built on the basic principles of SEO will improve traffic and profits for the business.  Keep in mind that SEO without content marketing is like a body without a soul. In particular, SEO is actually strategized around content marketing since every website needs words, articles, substance, keywords, etc. In order to be successful, both must go hand in hand. The more you try to build your plan the more your research will help you identify your target audience and your area of expertise. Keep in mind that writing your insight with a purpose will attract more audiences and yield higher SERPs from Google. Creating search-optimized content isn’t as difficult as it may seem. You simply don’t write old subjects, use a few keywords, post it on a site, and expect it to deliver results. In addition to creating trust and building a relationship with your audience, content marketing helps you with your search engine optimization (SEO). An important part of SEO is writing quality content, focused on your users. That is why driving profitable traffic to your site and generating high-quality inbound leads require in-depth research, careful planning, and the development of an SEO strategy. Around 73% of them are using their marketing budget on a good content marketing strategy. Content marketing strategy is now all about helping the audience find a solution to their problem. To help them with that you need to provide meaningful and useful information. You need to understand the prospects of who they are and what they need. Finding that insight will help you create content with a purpose. Focus mainly on the fundamental basics of developing content and keep SEO your top priority. This helps you create a foundation. But doing all this still doesn’t work that it is time for you to strategize.  

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