5 Reasons Why Website Requires SEO Audit

5 Reasons Why Website Requires SEO Audit

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Just like a car needs regular oiling for its smooth working, a website needs an SEO audit for the smooth customer experience. Still, confused? Don’t be, here in this article we plan to explain that only.

But before that many people are saying SEO is dead. We think they are not true digital marketing service providers. Why? SEO will always be here. No matter how much PPC you do, SEO will always be needed.

With every second there are thousands of queries running on the Google search engine. There can only be one reason, everyone trusts search engines. So, optimizing a website for the Google search engine is more than just beneficial.

We are not saying PPC isn’t good, it has its own benefits as well.

Without any further ado, let’s see why a website needs an SEO audit.

Importance of SEO Audit

1: Identification of Technical Issues

When you do an SEO audit of the website, you will come across technical issues (if any). If there are technical issues in the website, it will have a sudden drop in organic traffic, ranking, and an increase in bounce rate. Doing a proper technical SEO is like building a strong foundation.

So, what are the basic technical SEO elements?

  • Page Speed (Should be 3 Seconds maximum)
  • Redirects and Errors (301,302, and 404)
  • Crawlability (correct usage of robots.txt files)
  • Good Site Architecture & URL Structure (short but descriptive)

2: Identification of On-Page Issues of Website

An SEO audit will help you in recognizing the on-page issues. They are easy to comply with and can improve SEO with a great score. For the on-page issues, SEO audit will show the problems related to the following points:

  • Meta titles and descriptions: These two are basic SEO activities while optimizing a blog. The meta title should be somewhere between 35 to 60 characters, while the meta description can be 140 to 160 characters. Implementation of keywords in the content is a must for both of them.
  • Headers: Headline shows the context of the article and is also the starting point. You won’t want to bore your audience with something irrelevant. H1 should always describe the motive of the article but in a shorter length, say 60 to 70 characters maximum.
  • Content: Content is king, and will always be. Every digital marketer knows that. There is the reason we call content a king. Right? It is a source from where we can get leads. So, optimize the content with proper keywords and relevant information. Don’t forget, quality is everything.
  • Internal linking: always do the internal linking. It will help visitors navigate the site and reach the exact location.

3: Identifies Backlinks

Backlinks play a huge role in SEO. It can describe the authority you hold in the industry. From the very start, backlinks have been an important part of SEO. You have to have much more reputable links or domains linking back to your website or webpage.

Ultimately, it helps in better ranking and high traffic. An SEO audit will show you:

  • How many backlinks does the website have?
  • Does the website have spammy backlinks?
  • How many backlinks does your competition have compared to yourself?

4: Identifies Competition

It is essential to know about the competition even when you are into digital marketing. You need to know where you stand against them. What are their strategies? And create an SEO plan that will work better for you.

With the top digital marketing agencies in India, you can get the proper SEO strategy for your website.

5: Helps you Create an Ideal Content Strategy

Whatever result you get from the above four points, using them analyze the situation and create a content strategy for your website. Hence, an SEO audit also helps you in creating a content strategy.


So these are the 5 important points that describe the need for an SEO audit. If you have finally decided to go for the one. Contact Cuneiform, one of the top digital marketing companies in Ahmedabad.

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