5 ways in which digital marketing helps in online education

5 ways in which digital marketing helps in online education

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The way ahead for 2021 is fully integrated with technology, gadgets, and online marketing systems. Everything has now become available within the four walls of our home. From education to work and from food to shopping everything is available online at our convenience. We can now say that the impact of the fifth industrial revolution can be seen everywhere, in almost every sector. The sector which has been significantly changed due to this sudden digital boom is the online education sector

The digital revolution we see around us has bought some ground-breaking changes even in the education sector which are yet to stay even after the coronavirus pandemic. It has become very easy to get admitted in school, take online classes supported by technologies like AR (Augmented Reality), VR (Virtual Reality), 3D and 2D, and AI (Artificial Intelligence). Online education enables the student to submit their assessments over the internet from anywhere and also promote learning even after passing out from schools, colleges, and universities through online learning platforms. 

With the rise of online education, we are also going to see a change in digital marketing trends for 2021, a year when digital marketing shall lead the growth engine of online learning platforms. 

This article tries to briefly explore the 5 big ways in which digital marketing can support the online education sector:

Website development 

In the digital space, your website speaks for your entire business. It is almost equivalent to that old shop window where the best of your products were displayed for attracting your prospective customers. The online classrooms should purely resemble real classrooms. To create a demonstration of that, you need a custom-developed website for your e-learning platform or any form of an educational institution (like schools, colleges, and universities). 

The website should be complemented with information about your platform, how can it support the students, some unique technological and education features it provides, and various other details about your institution or your course platform. An oversimplified, user-friendly, uniquely designed, and custom-developed website would be a mandatory requirement for every player in the business of education in 2021. 

So, you know that a website is needed for your business, but to decide what can and cannot be displayed on it requires great talent and that is why your website should not merely be a combination of codes, but your brand message displayed in words!

Custom mobile app development 

Another great aspect of digital marketing in education is custom created apps. Statistics show that the number of mobile apps downloaded around the world has risen to 218 billion in 2020 from 140 billion in 2016 and it is ever increasing. With a large number of students getting educated by using the smartphone, mobile apps simplifying the process of education in 2021 would be one of the biggest digital marketing trends in 2021. 

Online education system would be simplified by mobile applications through its attractive features like easy introduction of new lessons, online payments systems, reduction in the communication gap between students and teachers, advanced attendance management systems, and very advanced student progress management systems. Digital marketing would play the role of promoting these apps by promoting their outreach and putting up the best features in place making them all-inclusive to use for parents, students, teachers, and administrative staff in the education sector. 

Social Media Presence 

The millennial, current, and upcoming generation is social media savvy. Therefore, it is important for educational brands to establish their presence in detail on various social media platforms. All internal and external stakeholders of any business these days make their decisions on the basis of their social media presence. Social media is a great tool to stay engage with your current customers and attract your prospective customers.  

That is why any education institution or company needs their presence across all social media platforms which will act as a testimony and a statement of authenticity for impacting the decisions of its target audience i.e. stakeholders. 

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO is the best digital marketing strategy to help attract visitors to your business. It helps you increase your rankings in the search engine results page (SERP) on any search engine to promote higher visibility of your business or institute amongst your prospective customers or students. SEO includes improving coding of a website, creating backlinks, writing content based on keywords, and creating more optimized pages to rank higher on the search engines. Companies and Institutes listed and indexed by Google have chances of higher chances of visibility on SERPs.  

Digital PR 

A digital PR is one of the most significant digital marketing strategies for your education business or institute. It helps in facilitating and increasing the online reputation of your educational institution or company. For online learning platforms, it can be very effective to promote their specialized products and services online to drive traffic to their website and promote their products through guest blogging. You can look for guest posts, influencer reviews, outreach, and article submission in several third-party websites under this medium of digital marketing. 

To sum up…

Any sector in the upcoming years would require digital marketing techniques by default. For staying aligned with new trends, generating new leads, and attracting new students towards your educational venture, digital marketing is extremely important and necessary. For getting the best digital marketing services from your educational venture and starting its digital marketing journey contact one of our best – in-house web and app development and digital marketing executives at Cuneiform Communication.

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