Five Types of Blog Posts that Give more Engagement.

Five Types of Blog Posts that Give more Engagement

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Have you ever wondered WHY some blog posts get more ENGAGEMENT than others?

It can’t be just that they’re informative and more appealing. There’s much more about content marketing strategy to it.

Any content creator would want people to engage with their content. Blog writers are no different. And as millions of blog posts get published each day, it’s getting more and more difficult to derive engagement.

There are many types of blog posts depending upon the need and targets of any individual or organization. No matter what type of blog post you’re going to post next, there are certain things and elements that you need to follow to ATTRACT THE AUDIENCE you’re desiring. And there are several types of blog posts that get more engagement or are likely to get more engagement.

5 TYPES of blog posts for B2B content marketing strategy 

i) Tutorials and how-tos

It is no surprise that most people put questions in their search queries online. This can be pretty apt for bloggers and content creators no matter which industry or niche they represent. They can provide helpful information and resources to the people.

Just like:

How does Digital Marketing scale up your business?

The aim of any tutorial or how-to guide is to teach people any particular thing related to your industry or niche. This can be anything from letting people know how to use your product/service or how to solve any particular issue regarding anything.

This works best if you include screenshots or images to support your text content. This will not only be easy to understand but it also provides breathing space while reading. Content strategy for this type of blog can be very effective for SEO.

ii) Expert interviews

Interviews are great to diversify the content of your site. Nobody wants to post the same type of content. In that case, interviews can be useful. This type of blog post consists of posting a set of questions answered by your respective industry expert, or posting their opinion about a particular topic.

From SEO and marketing perspective, it can be huge as it has the potential for link building and influence. Besides, expert interviews will increase your brand’s authority, generate a sense of reliability, and broaden your network. This can be quite efficient in an organization’s content marketing strategy.

iii) Listicles – An Effective Content Marketing Strategy

Another compelling content type  Listicles are the types of blog posts that contain information in the form of a list. People just love this type of post because it’s relatively easier to read and understand. Also, the user can sort out the information he needs much quicker as compared to other types of content.

The numbers don’t lie either. According to SEMrush, list articles get four times more traffic and two times more social media shares than non-listicle articles. Not just that, users are more likely to click on a search result with list headlines.

iv) Case studies 

A case study reveals the story of a client’s success and experience with a product/service. Case studies are a great tool to showcase your brand. New or potential clients can get a clear idea about what it’s like to work with you. This type of blog post can be very effective for B2B marketers. It can provide various benefits like establishing reliability with users, providing concrete proof for prospective clients, showcasing tangible qualities of product/services, showcasing how you satisfied your client’s needs, etc.

This a powerful B2B content marketing strategy as many marketers recognized that case studies and customer testimonials are among the best content marketing methods for lead generation.

v) Comparisons

Another great type of blog content. And another type of content that generally gets considerable engagement. The reason is simple — there is a natural tendency among people to compare things before buying or to arrive at a decision.

Companies and businesses compare their products/services with their other products/services or with their competitors’. It’s quite convenient for users as they get all the information and features about any particular thing in one place.


These are some types of blog posts that are likely to get more engagement due to the content they offer to the reader. However, getting engagement in your blog is not just limited to these types of posts. From a content marketing perspective, it’s important to diversify the types of content and blog you post. And then you can see which type of content works for you. This also depends a lot on which industry or niche your brand belongs to and your target audience. The above-mentioned types of blog posts are tried and tested and known to be successful for many organizations.

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