12 tips to generate more traffic on your Facebook post

12 tips to generate more traffic on your Facebook post

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Facebook has recorded 2.7 Billion users globally in 2020; it is the undisputed leader and the largest social media platform globally. With each passing day, the number of active users on Facebook is increasing despite that it is becoming difficult to increase the engagement of users on your social media content.

Being the third most visited website and second most downloaded application on the internet Facebook now is the place which you could use to increase the overall presence of your business. Businesses leverage the platform provided by Facebook in their favor to increase their leads and reach more customers.

Below are the 12 tips which could help you generating traffic on your Facebook business posts:

1. Frequency of your post matters on Facebook

It does not mean to post every hour. But, it means to be visible amongst your customers and target audience. Two good quality posts a day is better than ten different posts. The new algorithm is more quality-focused rather than quantity focused. So, rather than spamming your page with a lot of posts, a few selected targeted posts on Facebook daily can increase your chances of visibility.

2. Cross engage with brands

Promote engagements with other brands by sharing their content on your social media and encouraging them to reciprocate the same. Moreover, you could also tag popular brands in your genre of business and make them part of your Facebook presence. This is called cross – engagement which is gaining popularity these days.

3. Use influencer marketing

You can hire social media influencers and reputed social media celebrities who promote your products and describe their customer experiences while using your product for indirect advertisement.

4. Spark a conversation

Several businesses have sparked conversations and created online trends in the past which have helped them increase their brand visibility amongst their customers. Creating a conversation could be the best way to engage with current and prospective customers of your business and make them participate in your Facebook conversation.

5. Perform an activity

Performing activities is one of the best ways to increase the reputation of your new brand amongst several audiences. You could do so by running questions and answer sessions where customers can gain information about your brands and products, hosting virtual and real events, conducting a Facebook live conversation, uploading audio content (like podcasts) and audiovisual content (like images, infographics, and videos which describe the experience of your customers).

6. Promote Facebook exclusive deals

You could promote exclusive deals, discounts, cashback, and other offers exclusively for customers who come through Facebook or check in to your business, write a review on your page and create a Facebook post tagging your official page and describing how their experience has truly been.

7. Create short content

Writing shorter content and descriptions is advisable for any piece of social media content which you post on your page; any piece of content should be smaller as much as possible because smaller pieces of content can increase your engagement with your audience.

8. Refrain from using product and services promotions

Too much promotion of your products and services is not at all advisable for your Facebook page. The customers and other audience come here to know your business in detail and the story behind it.

You could create content that shares the experiences of your customers by engaging with your brand, their testimonials, etc. Yes posting about products is all right as it is your official business page and you need it to keep your customers informed about any new product or service launched, new engagement created.

9. Use your blog for your Facebook

Blogs are a great way to increase traffic across your social media platforms. You could create backlinks in your blogs leading to your social media platforms and promoting your presence over there. They could prove to be extremely efficient to drive traffic to your Facebook page and increase your engagement over the medium. 

10. Prefer quality over quantity

The algorithm of Facebook is such that it prefers quality content over quantity. That is why it tends to show more quality content according to your preferences on your newsfeed every time you log in there.

11. Drive traffic with hashtags

Hashtags are a boon to drive organic traffic on your Facebook page. As, people interested in the topics related to your business signup for updates on specific hashtags, they increase your chances of getting higher visibility. Moreover, it is also advisable to use trending hashtags on your social media page to increase your reach if they are relevant to your business activity or display some general words.

12. Re-engage on your posted content

Re-engaging on your posted content could be the best way to show others that you care about engaging with your audience on your page. A simple reply to comments (both negative and positive) shows the user that you are interested in their feedback and care about their opinion.

Customer complaints and feedbacks are the most important things to look out for on your Facebook post. They provide you with an easy and direct medium to communicate with your customers and solve their problems associated with your brand experience. If the complaint is negative, you could solve it and if it is positive you could provide it more attention by actually re – inviting them to participate in your business activity.


Facebook is a wonderful medium; if it is used wisely it could create miracles in developing your brand and promote engagement to levels which you could never imagine. However, it is advisable to refrain from online bots and other accounts that keep on increasing your post-activity only to reduce your brand engagement. Therefore, the best alternative to this could be hiring a digital marketing agency that could manage your Facebook account and content on your behalf.

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