What is App Store Optimization? Tips to improve ASO

What is App Store Optimization? Tips to improve ASO

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You have got the app, and you are all set to thrive ahead in the market, but have you ever been told there are more than millions of apps already swarming in the respective stores. And adding your app to this oozing pool will bring you no good but only stress you further.

Your app will never receive its deserving recognition since there is a massive glut of pre-existing apps in the market. To mark a difference in your app marketing, you need to take help from ASO- App store optimization.

What is App Store Optimization?

ASO- App Store Optimization is a crucial factor for your app’s marketing plan and aims to promote your app on the App Store or Google Play Store. With the help of this very tactic, you can help your app to improve its ranking and discoverability while convincing users to download your app.

Key features to be considered for ASO

ASO holds the potential to convert your app into a desirable application, but to make it work in favor of your business, you need to follow certain aspects mentioned below.

1. Keywords are essential

Keywords are the most beneficial Mobile app marketing solution that cannot be ignored. Like SEO for your website, you need to pay attention to the keywords in the ASO strategy. You need to include the keywords that match your business app and have them in your app’s description, title, and even the caption for screenshots.

This will help your app to rank higher on the SERPs and get noticed by a niche audience.

2. Choose the right name

The value of the app name cannot be missed, as it helps your business app to get recognized and get famous. The app name needs to be concise and quirky that meets your business and complements it further.

3. App category

Putting your app into the correct category also helps your app get discovered and noticed by a suitable audience base. If your app falls in the category of entertainment, then never place it under the business category.

It will not help your app be found by a relevant audience and would always remain unnoticed.

4. Relevant app description

Every store has a specific word limit, and considering it; you need to write the app description. You can add keywords while mentioning your app’s features and allow your users to stay informed about your app.

5. Focus on the engaging app icon

The app icon has to be engaging yet relevant to your business app. You need to keep a check on a color scheme, size, and relevancy that will let your app stand out in the market.

6. Add high-quality app screenshots

In the stores, there is not just one but millions of apps. To avoid the clutter of user ignorance, you must ensure to add high-quality app screenshots. This will convince your users to download the app to see the app’s functionality in detail.

7. Preview video

The visual content is consumed much faster than written content. Within your ASO strategy, you must include a video preview of your app to engage your users to learn more about the app’s features and functionalities interactively.

8. Ratings & Reviews

Genuine ratings and reviews play a crucial role in making your app popular. Therefore, you need to invest some time collecting the reviews and ratings from the beta users that will help your app grow widely popular.

9. Localize your app

You must ensure to localize your app to build a global impression with the niche audience base. This will help your app to gain broader visibility and increase downloads in numbers.

In a nutshell

The aspects mentioned above can help your app to work in your favor only if your app description matches the quality of the app.

Hence it is crucial to take the help of experts like Cuneiform for digital marketing services and grow your business.

We help your app get discovered and visible with the most strategized ASO techniques designed for your apps.

To know more, give us a call now.


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